Friday 13 September 2013


Hi there, my name is Molly this is my first post for my Media blog. Im an A-Level student at Idsall Sixth Form and I am studying Media, Product Design, Geography and History. I have a particular intrest in media because I like how it connects everyone and how it is ever changing.
In the future I would like to work in the film industry especially geographical doccumentaries as this would offer me with a creative industry to work in and it would also give me the chance to travell which I would also like to do in the future.
Outside of school I am intrested in photography, music, books and socialising with friends.

My blog will include all of my work for this years course from my planning to my finished pieces. It will help me stay up to date with my work and give me guidance for the rest of my course.

I hope you find my blog intresting and that you enjoy it!

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